Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Week 20, TV

*Due to ridiculousness on my side (did you know there were internet gods out to get us? yeah I didn't either) and a spontaneous trip on Lauren's end. we did not have a saturday/accessories post and monday's debut of the theme TV is belated. Apologies.

So, TV. There are hundreds of opinions about it, things like evil and brain numbing and societal brainwashing's right hand, but regardless, you cannot deny that it's a pretty neat invention! Throughout the information wave of the twentieth century, with newspapers, radio, tv, and internet, the TV is the only one with bright flashy lights, cool graphics, crochety old newscasters with toupes, interesting stories, and loads of information. Even if it is a bunch of white guys fighing it out on CSPAN or fake people faking dating on a fake set with fake hair. It's in your living room, some of it is even free, and what is better than finding a tape from the eighties and reliving all the cheesy commercials. So whatever it is you watch, or refuse to watch, take a second and send a little love to that grey box in your living room, cause God knows we all watch our TV on the internet now anyways.

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