Monday, August 4, 2008


Hot Legs! In your satin shoes! Ok thats just my Rod-Stewart-listening-childhood coming out. I can't help it. But yes, the theme this week is Legs! They are those long gangely things that help us get places, help us kick things out of our way in messy bedrooms (aka mine), and are the fascination of many men. I tend to like mine, and even though they arent as skinny as I would prefer, they do me just fine and they are strong, so I am happy. Legs are, I would say, probably the most important part of our physical body, next to the maybe eyes and brain of course. Because really, they do everything. They balance us, propel us, stop and start us, and let us stand on or tippy toes to reach very important high things, like luggage in an airplane or yummy garlic crackers on the top shelf. So embrace them ladies! And show me some hot legs!

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