Thursday, February 28, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Night, Week 7
Claire loves night setting. She loves it. Sometimes it creates these crazy ghost like shimmies through the picture which looks pretty cool. Sometimes it is blurry and hard to get a shot, and other times everyone in the picture looks amazing. Night is interesting in and of itself. It's when society has deemed it ok to look like a whore, drink heavily, where if you're a women it isn't safe to walk alone, it's where the boogie monster lives. I remember being in highschool and driving home at eleven oclock and thinking: WHY are so many people OUT still?? Shouldn't they be in BED? And then only like three years later I was strolling home from work at 1am like it ain't no thang. So this week, I give you night. What we see and how we see it. As always.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Up and Away, Week 6
The idea of up and away did not come to be in my mind as a physical place or as a reference to clouds or moons, and it was decided by the two of us to "avoid numerous pictures of pretty clouds". To me, it was more of a desire, a longing to be up and away, or possibly even wanting something that is far away from our reach. For people our age, approaching or deep in our quarterlife crisis, there is sometimes immense pressure to want something more, to be constantly moving forward and pursuing bigger and better things. Some resist that societal nudging, or refuse to acknowledge its importance, deeming it artificial. Regardless, we are all confronted with fantasies of or pressures to seek things up and away, beyond our present state but worth the sweat and patience. What can you see beyond your current position, or beyond your minds eye, that is worth your time, and possibly a picture?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Candids, Week 5
Candids are always the best pictures. The one where you arent posing, just living and someone manages to catch it on camera. Those are the shots where you everyone goes "oooh! REMEMBER THAT?!" So what are the candids in our everyday lives? It sounded like a good idea. Poignant, moment-making. Except it is fucking HARD. Especially in a situation where you aren't surrounded by your closest friends who don't mind being the subject of random picture moments. In life? It's kinda creepy to be the one with the camera. I took the position by saying "im taking pictures for a photo project im doing. Act normal". And hopefully I got some good shot out of it. But will I make it another weekly theme? Not unless I have an event coming up where I won't be seen as a weirdo. Either way, it should be interesting.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
Flip-Flopping, Week 4
Flip-flopping is the theme this week, and I think its extremely fitting seeing as tomorrow is super tuesday (eek!), and especially because my thoughts on this word when I was first dreaming it up were politically inspired. The back and forth rampant hypocrisy among candidates and political strategists on our current political playfeild is overwhelming. Despite this, and my constant online affair with multiple news agencies on the topic, I think it almost human nature to contradict oneself. I am acutely aware of my own contradictions. At times I regret them, or am forced to remember how silly I truly am, but often I cherish the perogative to change my mind. To completely commit myself to realizing my stupidity or ignorance and make a better decision or come up with a better theory. And God only knows how much I love theories! So of course there is need to be cautious with our statements and ideas, and obviously refrain from flopping around like a dying fish on certain crucial aspects of national affairs (ahem Iraq, ahem, education) if you are President of a country; but the little things are pretty much inconsequential and are yours to figure out.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
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