Monday, February 11, 2008

Candids, Week 5

Candids are always the best pictures. The one where you arent posing, just living and someone manages to catch it on camera. Those are the shots where you everyone goes "oooh! REMEMBER THAT?!" So what are the candids in our everyday lives? It sounded like a good idea. Poignant, moment-making. Except it is fucking HARD. Especially in a situation where you aren't surrounded by your closest friends who don't mind being the subject of random picture moments. In life? It's kinda creepy to be the one with the camera. I took the position by saying "im taking pictures for a photo project im doing. Act normal". And hopefully I got some good shot out of it. But will I make it another weekly theme? Not unless I have an event coming up where I won't be seen as a weirdo. Either way, it should be interesting.



IAMember said...

Lauren u will always be a weirdo in my eyes

Lauren said...

hahaha Yesssss