Monday, February 4, 2008

Flip-Flopping, Week 4

Flip-flopping is the theme this week, and I think its extremely fitting seeing as tomorrow is super tuesday (eek!), and especially because my thoughts on this word when I was first dreaming it up were politically inspired. The back and forth rampant hypocrisy among candidates and political strategists on our current political playfeild is overwhelming. Despite this, and my constant online affair with multiple news agencies on the topic, I think it almost human nature to contradict oneself. I am acutely aware of my own contradictions. At times I regret them, or am forced to remember how silly I truly am, but often I cherish the perogative to change my mind. To completely commit myself to realizing my stupidity or ignorance and make a better decision or come up with a better theory. And God only knows how much I love theories! So of course there is need to be cautious with our statements and ideas, and obviously refrain from flopping around like a dying fish on certain crucial aspects of national affairs (ahem Iraq, ahem, education) if you are President of a country; but the little things are pretty much inconsequential and are yours to figure out.

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