Monday, February 25, 2008

Night, Week 7

Claire loves night setting. She loves it. Sometimes it creates these crazy ghost like shimmies through the picture which looks pretty cool. Sometimes it is blurry and hard to get a shot, and other times everyone in the picture looks amazing. Night is interesting in and of itself. It's when society has deemed it ok to look like a whore, drink heavily, where if you're a women it isn't safe to walk alone, it's where the boogie monster lives. I remember being in highschool and driving home at eleven oclock and thinking: WHY are so many people OUT still?? Shouldn't they be in BED? And then only like three years later I was strolling home from work at 1am like it ain't no thang. So this week, I give you night. What we see and how we see it. As always.


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