Monday, March 10, 2008

Color, Week 9

I love bright colors. In my clothes, in my decor, all around me yay bright colors. Black and white is nice too, it has a certain je ne sais pas. But... to pack as many colors into a great photo as possible or to isolate one color to really make it pop, is not only a fun challenge, its an ode to color photography. Why take a picture of something in color if everything in the picture is muted? I want pizazz! I want bold and bright! I want to knock your socks off with the amazing rainbow of shades we can find in our everyday life. I wanna see what claire can come up with in portland because .... i almost feel like I'm cheating living in san francisco. :)



Billy said...

So is this going to be a game? Guess which pic is from SF and which is from Portland. I'll guess that the green Porsche with California plates is in SF.

Lauren said...

The bottom one is always mine.