Monday, March 3, 2008

Suppression, Week 8

Supress. It's something we do all. the. time. We may not realize it, or want to admit it, but we all do it, probably every day. But sometimes, its the right thing to do. An act of selflesness, of keeping the peace; like supressing my annoyance with superior acting faculty members. Other times its simply self destructive, pushing something away that we think can be dealt with later, at a more conveniant time, not realizing that said resistance to awarness and self-work could be causing more trauma than the actual topic of ickyness. Supressive situations arent always self inflicted however, they can be very real and present from other people, situations, or even institutions. (Calm down conspiracy theorists, don't get too excited!). What are you hiding, or shelving, or "to do listing" that could be better dealt with in the now? And what are you glad you never said? But don't go all Freud on anyone and spend too much time looking into this. Coping mechanisms such as this one can be tricky little double edged swords.


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